Collection: Sheep

Meet the Sheep of Eagle Eye Farm
Valais Blacknose Sheep

Valais Blacknose Sheep are felt to be some of the cutest sheep in the world.  These friendly sheep originated from the Valais region of Switzerland. Currently there are no 100% Valais Blacknose Sheep in the U.S. So, domestic sheep are being bred with 100% Valais Blacknose Sheep semen.  We are part of this breed-up program and currently have 3 F1 sheep (meaning 50% Valais).  In the summer of 2020, we welcomed two F2 Valais Blacknose Sheep.  Fraya and Fiona.  They are 75% Valais Blacknose Sheep and 25% Scottish Blackface Sheep. Fraya and Fiona had lambs in 2021.  These three lovely ewes are F3 Valais Blacknose Sheep, meaning 87.5% Valais.  We look forward to continuing in the breed-up program.


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Meet the sheep of Eagle Eye Farm